

New Features

Custom resource sizing

In this release we are introducing a new feature that lets you customize resource sizes for your stack items on the DeltaBlue Cloud Platform. Instead of being limited to predefined packages, you can now choose exactly how many cores, memory, and disk space each stack item gets. Read more about it in our documentation about building your stack and scaling stack items.


  • Redirect User to Initial Intended Page After Login instead of the project overview.
  • Various port sharing UX improvements.


  • In the environment stats, missing country names in “hits per country” are shown again.
  • Fixed incorrect table display that occured in rare specific caess in the running scenarios screen.
  • Fixed issue where application clone did not work due to port conflicts.
  • Fixed issue when searching for an action in the scenario edit view and pressing , the ‘change target’ modal opened instead of triggering the search.


New Features

Stack item port sharing

Previously, on the DeltaBlue Cloud Platform, users could share stack items only within the specific application they were created in. While multiple applications can coexist within a single environment, sharing stack items across these applications required manual configuration.

With this release, we’ve simplified the process. Users can now effortlessly share stack items across the entire environment. This enhancement is especially useful in scenarios such as managing multiple database instances, load balancing traffic between them, or making a dedicated database accessible to multiple applications within the same environment.

For more details, please refer to our documentation page.

Disable SSL

It is now possible to remove an active SSL certificate from the URL environment URL.


  • The availability monitor uptime calculation became smarter. Acknowledging an url does not count als downtime anymore. Only snoozing an url is considered downtime.
  • Price simulator: added min/max field validation
  • Improve visual feedback when applying variables and port configurations


  • Fixed issue with the execution of a scenarios containing component actions on application launch.
  • Fixed isse that no error message was returned in all cases when executing a custom action.
  • Fixed issue that schedules are not removed when corresponding scenarios have been deleted
  • The backup restore list wa not always correct.
  • In some cases the Availability monitor duration showed ‘undefined’ seconds
  • Fixed issue that in a specific case dependent scenarios are not triggered on fail.
  • Fixed issue where apps were not updated when removing all shared ports
  • Ensure port configs are properly applied on stopped applications.
  • Fixed issue where proxy ports were not used in inter-container connectivity.


New Features

New Relic upgrade

Made possible thanks to our unique partnership with New Relic, we have upgraded our New Relic integration to the next level. This integration enhances our application performance monitoring (APM) capabilities. With this integration, you now have access to the full suite of New Relic’s APM tools at a significantly reduced cost. This integration offers detailed insights into application performance, enabling efficient management and efficient resolution of issues.

  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Access in-depth performance metrics and operational health data for your applications.
  • Proactive Issue Detection: Identify and address performance bottlenecks early, minimizing user impact.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Benefit from the full range of New Relic’s APM tools at a fraction of the regular price.

Activating New Relic on DeltaBlue Cloud Platform is a one-click process. Read more about it in our documentation.


  • The container stats have been updated with the variation limit.


  • Fixed that switching between environments did not work on environment level.
  • The platform scheduler has been made more robust to handle invalid input values for hours or minutes.
  • Fixed issue where tracked scenarios were not stored per team, which caused unwanted behavior when switching teams.
  • Double-clicking the STATS button caused an empty screen. This has been corrected.
  • Fixed an issue displaying an incorrect environment SLA end date.
  • Fixed environment stats chart animations when new data is received.
  • Solved issue where the billing profile form could not be saved again after a validation error whenever the country code was not filled in on submit.
  • Improved visibility of error messages. Error messages no longer show
    but render the actual new line.
  • Fixed inability to restore backup to another environment.


New Features

Scenario run conditions UI improvements and triggers

We have added several significant enhancements to our Scenarios features, designed to provide you with greater flexibility, control, and ease of use. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new:

Enhanced Scenario Triggers

  • Run Scenarios After Application Start: You can now configure scenarios to automatically run after the application starts.
  • Run Scenarios Before Application Stop: Scenarios can now be set to execute before the application stops.

Application Control Integration

  • Start Application Before Running Scenarios: Scenarios can be configured to start the application if it is not already running.
  • Stop Application After Running Scenarios: You can also set scenarios to stop the application after they have completed their tasks.

Improved Monitoring Management

  • Prevent Monitoring Alerts: Scenarios can now be configured to temporarily disable monitoring alerts while they are running, preventing unnecessary notifications.

Streamlined Scenario View

  • New User Interface: We have introduced a more streamlined and intuitive scenario view to enhance your user experience and make managing scenarios easier. We added different tabs for Actions, Triggers, Schedule and Monitoring.

Accurate Scheduling

  • Timezone Handling: Scenario scheduling now correctly handles timezones, ensuring your scenarios run exactly when you expect them to, regardless of your location.

Updated Navigation

  • “Actions” Tab Renamed: For better clarity, the “Actions” tab in the application has been renamed to “Scenarios”.

These options are available when creating new scenarios or editing existing scenarios.


  • Added a link in the notifcation to the error log when a scenario fails.
  • Better validation handling was added to the “add custom task” screen in the scenarios section.
  • Application start/stop scenarios are now tracked in the tracked scenarios menu item.
  • Updated password password requirements for new platform users.


  • Solved issue where leaving the billing profile view would incorrectly show a “save changes” dialog, even if no changes were made.
  • URL & path mapping dialog now correctly shows if a URL has a trailing forward slash.
  • Solved issue where creating a new application blueprint was not possible without touching the name field of the form.
  • Changes made to the datacenter dropdown of an application or environment are now persisted without having to reload.
  • Solved issue where MFA disable dialog flow could get stuck if a user incorrectly entered their password.
  • User list on team management view now correctly shows when data is loading.
  • Solved issue where the tooltip on the “add port” button in the application port config view would clip outside of view.
  • Application status will now update without needing to refresh.
  • Solved issue where tracked scenarios could cause error notification spam.
  • Clone application from the environment lanes view now works.
  • Fixed Let’s Encrypt not being enabled on hybrid hosts.


New features

Availability reporting

In Overview > Status, when looking at the history page of a monitor, you can now generate an availability report for that monitor for a chosen period. Generate a report by using the button on the top right of the screen.

The report contains a summary for each region where the monitored application is running, as well as a detailed breakdown of all monitoring events.

Read the documentation for more information.


  • Both the documentation and the changelog are now accessible from within the DeltaBlue Platform. This is located in the resources menu item in the main navigation bar.


  • Fixed issue where incomplete logs triggered UI errors.
  • Fixed issue where an incorrect scenario duration was shown when a scenario ran for more than 24 hours.
  • Fixed issue where adding payment methods became impossible.



  • We have updated our website with new documentation. Make sure to explore it.
  • To enhance security and reliability, all access to .git* URLs will be blocked on the gateways by default.


  • Fixes Unit display for Network bandwidth under Stats.
  • Switching stack items on the stats page is now supported on mobile.


New features

Enable environment SLA

It is now possible to upgrade environment SLA directly via the platform. On the environment overview you will see the active SLA for each environment under the name of the environment. This SLA is clickable and gives an overview of the available SLA levels.

By default the Standard SLA is activated on all environments offering standard support and availability. This SLA is ideal for non-production environments.

For production environments we recommend a higher SLA plan based on the needs of your projects. This allows you to enjoy benefits such as uptime guarantees up to 99.99%, unlimited backups, URL monitoring by Deltablue engineers, premium support and incident handling, 24/7 on call standby team and direct hotlines to platform engineers.


  • The datepicker in the logs now supports time ranges in hh:mm:ss format instead of only in date. This feature makes it easier to pinpoint the exact desired timerange.

  • Improved rendering of full log messages in the log detail dialog.

  • Layout improvements to the datacenter selection screen.

  • Improved alignment between applications in different environments on the environment lane view.

  • Log types and time ranges are now incorporated into the URL for the log view, facilitating the sharing of the URL to ensure that other users see the exact same content.

  • The variables page now shows the stack item description.

  • The resource events overview screen now includes the average usage percentage of resources in the average% column.

  • The resource events overview screen now has enhanced readability with color-coded values in the peak% column.

  • When adding multiple custom URLs sequentially in the “URL & path mapping” dialog, the previously added URLs were still shown in the text box. This could be confusing as it is unclear if the previous URL was added correctly.

  • The web application now fully supports Safari 16+.


  • Fixed issue on the mobile devices to make it possible to switch between instances on the statistics and logging pages.

  • Fixed application swimlanes alignment bug on the environment overview screen in environments with a lot of apps.

  • Fixed regression where disabling MFA could fail.

  • Fixed application world map responsiveness issue when changing window size.

  • Fixed application detail rendering issues on high resolution monitors.

  • Fixed regression in snapshot dialog button layout.

  • Fixed disappearing menu in the error log when closing a dialog.